Monday, October 8, 2007

First...let me say...


I am both impressed and excited by reading the responses and I want to acknowledge, honor, and appreciate everyone who has taken the time and energy to respond and give their input as well as make their requests.

I also want to let everyone know why I have not responded in any way until this moment. I have been out of state visiting family and we just got back...late this evening. For family and friends...Joan and Kelly, Bonnie, Judy, and Darleen are all doing well and we had a great visit with all. They were all very happy to see and play and visit with Sarah and I am sure Heather will be blogging about it very soon...hopefully pictures to follow as well.

For those who have responded I will say this at this moment. I am thrilled with the ideas...appreciate the advice...and I am very appreciative of the challenge and well as the level of both....and also wholeheartedly welcome the opportunity for this....if I may borrow the phrase..."course of discourse"...I shall respond to that particular response in a separate blog dedicated to the ideas, comments, challenges, and critiques of this unnamed source.

To whomever you are...I will say....I immensely and deeply appreciate your thought, insight, and energy to what I have written...and I will give you some of the same in response...all in the spirit with which this blog and my request were created in. I have no interest in oppositional attitudes just for the sake of competition or a war of words. I see that kind of discourse without potential for my personal growth...and my personal growth is why I decided to begin this blog...I have only the desire to exchange ideas and at most mildly spar through intelligent but friendly discourse and philosophies for the sole purpose of personal growth and to have fun. Once play has been extinguished and competition has been firmly implanted in it's place for the purpose of "Winning"...I'm out...because it then can turn to personal attacks and is no longer of any personal interest to me...neither in the giving or receiving roles...

I have no desire...and if one has read my blogs you will see....for doing anything other than pursuing my own growth and my own health. Once any game... intellectual or otherwise....becomes unhealthy to me...then I am ready to pursue another course that will prove to be more productive...all this to reassure and say...I have no desire to make a challenge a matter of personal power and control...I actually spend a good deal of my professional life showing people how to achieve their goals by pursuing another...more healthy course of action. I will also say that I welcome a challenge and difference of ideas...and I am completely capable of agreeing to disagree if that is what is called I welcome the critique and challenge...

So...with that said...I will respond once I have had some sleep...and am more re energized so that I may give you a response worthy or your comments.

To others...Marc....Mike...and G...I thank you for your suggestions...I will be blogging on these topics as I see them interesting as well...I appreciate the advice and will take it to heart...and to Mike...yes...I do still teach...currently I am teaching a two year college....and I enjoy the banter, challenges, and the many differing directions that my students always take us to...and yeah...I think that would be a great series of blogs on these experiences LOL...thank you for the interest.

Anywah...thank you all again and I will get on this as soon as I can.
Thanks again...and I will talk with ya soon ;)


Anonymous said...

Superiority of The Human (Tafdhil al Insan)
Prof Dr. Omar Hassan Kasule, Sr.

The intellect enables humans analyze, understand and learn; knowledge is the basis for human action. Transmission and growth of knowledge from one generation to the next is the essence of human civilisational growth.

Anonymous said...

Source and Limits of Human Intellect
Leon N. Cooper
Leonardo, Vol. 17, No. 1 (1984), pp. 40-45

"Recently, Victor Weisskorp,... stated optimistically that 'at least potentially, science can justifiable claim the ability to understand every observable phenomenon'...'there are many... that we do not yet understand...but it is resonable to predict that man will eventually understand all of nature scientifically.'"

Anonymous said...

"I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it".

Albert Einstein

Anonymous said...

For Newton time and space were disparate and absolute. Such a mechanistic framework proved quite adequate to explain the action of gravity and the laws of force and motion. Note that Newton never defined gravity or forces, but simply labeled them as measurable quantities. No need for anything more, until Einstein came along: and sure enough, he could see farther by standing on Newton¹s shoulders...

Anonymous said...

Having read the response posted October 8th. My interpretation on the position express full with words: (unhealthy, more productive, a challenge... of personal power and control ... more healthy course...) suggests that my point was missed or misinterpreted.

I am gravely concerned with your reply to my critique. Particularly, that my critique characterized you or anyone and was therefore interpreted as a personnel attack. Or, rather a prequel to such.

Perhaps, having chosen words such as: provoke, challenge and nincompoop. Gave an impression … that was without sensitivity to those that would read them.

More over, your position that your own “heavy-handed … way” need no apologize. Yet, I find your response structuring. There is an expressed need for the creation of an emergency exit, an escape route. And a sense that while it is expressly permitted for you to be “heavy-handed”. Others are going to be characterized as “unhealthy, contesting power and control”. And when you deem them as being such, you will disengage.

Now, I ask you. Since there is nothing more than an exchange of words taking place. A challenge to express our-selves clearly, fully and without ambiguity. What makes you feel the need to presuppose some slanderous, malicious or hateful attack? And respond with an attempt to take control of the processes. Establishing some quasi-rules of rhetoric for which discourse will be conducted?

Forgive me ... this wa written in haste.