Saturday, October 13, 2007

The book reference...

Hiya Terry...and everyone...

I just wanted to hand out the name of that book I brought up in my other was late at night when I wrote that other post....ya know how it is....I have to take advantage of the times the two year old is asleep LOL...anywah...I dug it out and just wanted to share...

The name of the book is "As The Future Catches You (How Genomics & Other Forces Are Changing Your Life, Work, Health & Wealth) by: Juan Enriquez. "Juan is the director of the Life Sciences Project at Harvard Business School" <--from the jacket of the book.

Good book and a quick read...and an insight as to where we are heading.


I liked your last quote...and I highly agree with the good father. As far as your assertion that a knowledgeable person is not necessarily wise...I wholeheartedly agree...some of the most educated people I have met....are the least wise as well.


Anonymous said...

What I had hoped would be obvious, was a not. I did not intend to generate an absurd debate. Plainly, you where without confusion in understanding what I had wrote. As your response did not indicate any misinterpretation of what you had read. Yet, my purpose did not distinguish itself…. I blame the misapprehension on myself.

Maybe, I can present a clearer view. I did not intend for you to take my criticism literally. I did intend literary criticism. However, it was not meant, as you have apprehended it, an attempt to challenge your beliefs. Nor, your understanding of reality as you experience it.

I am merely interested in the use rhetorical devices. I apparently missed at representing that dichotomy within my criticism.

I should have addressed this prior to my second to last response. Thankfully, G’s comment magnified this.

Anonymous said...

The source for your inspiration is not at question.
Clarifying it may support you meaning. Again that is a matter unto itself. Words combined to express a thought.
Have a need to be free of ambiguity, unless confusion is the intention.
We read…

“There is very little that we actually know in this life”

I suggest,(that)for clarity(you would) omit the clauses.
Then, there is no need for the preposition “in this life”.
For example: There is very little known.

Anonymous said...

I kind’ a like what you say… are kind’ like my own voice being heard above the crowd. My perfection and most glorious sound

It is how that sounds emanating from me and dissident upon the crowd flowing emanating into the crowd. Does it emanate from me?

Yes…it does. It is how my live sound was or is… it a Memorex copy of a past utterance?

It is how I take the motive…and ever recall the present. I recall the present?
No, it is the past utterance. Is it how I perceive the sound that makes it present, loud and full of depth? And never like what is heard from you.

Most of the things we think we know...are things we take in through our abilities to perceive the world...our imperfect and often fallible senses. How is it that when standing on a set of railroad tracks...and gazing down the tracks towards the horizon...the tracks seem to converge? Do they converge? No...they do not. How is it that our memory of an event differs from a picture taken from it or a video long since forgotten which documented the memory? How is it that with given the right stimulus...we human beings remember things that never happened? Can we create pseudo-memories? Yes...we can...and we fully believe them. How can it be...that what things we hear...smell...taste...touch...and see...can so often be so different than the exact same things experienced by another standing right next to us?

Anonymous said...

Thank you,
Just pryor to your posting of the book refrence. I viewed a small segment on discovery channel about the Human Gnome. Also...Having read a review...of the book...I..get..the use of...

Thank you, I've asked the local library to aquire a copy.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.