In this last year we have seen so much...had so many differing experiences...that in some ways it is dizzying to me because of the variety and depth...
There has been such extreme negativity and such pain...and the last year...there has been such enormous prevailing hope and continuity of the human spirit...there has been such depth, courage, love, understanding, and guileless optimism...I find it difficult to find fault in where we are headed...even with plenty of blame to spread around...I see a bright future...although realistically I also see major changes in our near future collectively.
I have found in my own search a profound need to be centered on meaning. To find the things in my world and perception that depth...
I have written about several of these subjects in this blog. I have focused on the things that have struck me as profound and I have spent my time and my energy on thoughts and assertions that I deemed worth my energy. Again I will state that this is a forum for my own thought and attempt at wisdom...or at the very least a desire for and search towards thought and understanding that will lead to growth.
I have been in the business of instruction, advising, and guidance....for many years now. I am at least fairly good at it...not as good as some...better than others....good days...bad days...and basically....from a profoundly fundamental standpoint...I am just passing on those things I know...or at least...seem to understand stay in line with an earlier blog. But if you have been reading me...listening...paying will have noticed one foundational theme with my writing. I work from the position of optimism and positive perspective.
Even in questions of and conversations dealing with negativity...I still attempt to put a positive spin on my perspective...because quite frankly...I do not see...nor do I find...any worth or negativism...skepticism...rhetoric...critique...for each of their own sakes...the only time each of these things even might find my when it is used as a teaching tool...but these things being used as tools...MUST...have an underlying lesson...foundational idea...a message...a...meaning...because if there is no skepticism...rhetoric...critique...have no real voice...and therefore are being presented as nothing more than antagonism...and utterly useless. There is no lesson. There is no message. There is no meaning. It is truly...a waste of time.
Why...would any waste their this beyond my understanding. I choose not to. If I write something this is for a reason and a purpose...there is a message...and a meaning. Now there can certainly be debate in how useful, needed, or wanted these meanings and messages might be. I do not claim to be profound. I only assert that some of the things I have written have been profound to me. But in everything I have tried to get across...I have worked at placing a purpose at the heart of my intention. A meaning...and a reason.
I will continue to do so in the years to come.
Regardless of what debate might lead to...I am certain...within myself...that I am approaching everything I do in my life...with a assertion...and therefore a meaning. Even meaningless activities contain meaning for me at this point. I view even those seemingly mundane things previously viewed as purposeless activities, as purposeful in that I need to vent stress and often that can be done in activities that from the outside seem pointless.
But in everything...there is a point. In everything...there is a reason. I may not even understand what the reason is...because I am so far from's a joke. But there is a reason. Even in those things that are most often viewed as does not heal from them...or even accept them...until one can see the growth from it...and therefore put it into a positive light.
Those that are forever wounded by an event...and never heal...are like that because they can not accept...and can not reframe it into a positive in their own lives and perceptions. They just get stuck.
Therefore...there is no point in finding fault...there is no purpose in finding blame...there is no searching for what is wrong....the only truly valuable thing there is in finding how to take something...and see the light in find the sift and search...and find that which is the lesson...and learn from that one may heal...and move forward...and move on... my mission...and my purpose.
May 2008 be even more awesome and carry with it more growth and depth than the year past. God bless you to every eye that reads these words and ear that hears the message.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
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Babe - I am so glad you are who you are, even when sometimes I get mad atchya. There is not a day that goes by that I don't learn from you, that I don't ingest some of your thoguhts and blend them with mine. I love that we share and mix together our ways of being. I like that we have created an us in addition to the you and the me. I am excited for what is to come. Funny how our 2007 year ended so positively. To me it proves the importance of remembering the most important thing... you, me, and we; the rest will work itself out. 2008, here WE come.
I enjoy your creative style, the endeavor to promote healthy expressions of emotion. The concern for total of humanity, the environment and polices. The expressed devotion to yours…and ours.
I hope the “Best” of all for you in this new Year !!
Enough dispensing of the mushy stuff !!
I repeat, it is not my intention to challenge belief, ideology and doctrine. Nor have I supplement criticism for veiled opinions that aim to defame.
My purpose is to promote the individual’s critical thinking abilities and free will.
An attempt to adjoin awareness with the expression, language, rhetoric…
Wisdom develops an affection or in the least, an appreciation of criticism. With such a prestigious past… what of Horace, Longinus, St. Augustine, Samuel Johnson, Mark Twain?
“Adversity has ever been considered the state in which a man most easily becomes acquainted with himself.”
"We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking."
“To each, acumen is to be earned, not borrowed.” AnonYmouse
Of Mice and Men
The invitation was offered, welcoming all other interested listeners who think for themselves on plausibility. An offer to comment and remark, doubtless, however, anyone of these traced and marked listeners would remark with quite a sufficient insight for his consideration, that after a quibble, a psychoanalytical mind-hustle, should have beguiled, an idler like me.
No expression that I could ever reveal would they recognize as credible; no success of mine--- if my existence, beyond its homeboy view, had seen the light of success--- would they deem other than worthless, if not utter negativism. "What of him?" murmurs one to the other. In dark corners, out of view of familiar eye and ear, they confide in themselves for the confidences needed to sustain. They feast and famine on the very things they loath most.
AnonYmouse, takes on the formlessness of thought and identity that is original, evading the best laid plains of…But, this is not that story of power and control gone astray. Neither is it merely a comment, dividedly placed into what you thought and what you think you know. Rather, evenly placed in the midst of those trappings, entanglements, snare's; once placed about take presidency over free thinking. Else they may find sprung upon them there own contrivance.
It is with vague thought and understanding that one may rant in the hopes to be bigger than one is. Perhaps with busy movement and mouth one will clutter his life and mind so as to not settle quietly on his own reality and sadness. Perhaps if one writes with inflated thoughts (or lack thereof) one will hope to fool others into not seeing one's emptiness?
Your writing is presenting separate errors in grammar and sentence structure.
Be that, as it may. Is a tall man taller then the tallest man?
Or rather, does a man only hope to be bigger?
The fact is that the predicate use’s the nominative in a manner that creates vagueness or generalizations. Thus, the value of the statement can be neither true, nor false…but is a term applied to one of its absolute borderline cases.
The question is unclear but my means for answering are complete.
WOW ! … I’m good !
What is/are the symptoms of a wise person? I suppose, I could look to Websters for a definition...But, this could present a more enriching outcome.
Thanks AnonYmouse
If it told a truth, It was not true.
It was true.
Therefore, no true was told.
What a second... IT should be...
If it told the truth, It was not true.
It was True.
Therefore, nothing true was told.
Always give yourself an opportunity to heal, exercise and adjust.
The value in criticisms is only a negative when there is an absence of a positive invention in response.
You are not an instrument to be used in consuming and contain the debris of rage, violence, mindlessness… in order to clear the way to peace, harmony, and acumen.
You are the peacemaker, teaching … in order to clear the way.
The negative residue of the days, weeks, months and year… one has yet to remove!
This has formed a cocoon that is clouding the vision, obscuring reflection and design.
Emergence can happen more then once in a lifetime. And your life is happening now!
We hold back no thing
We give only that which is ours to give
We receive that which we can conceive
We are with you always…
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