Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Everything...has a process.

Each thing we do...each nuance of our lives...each pattern we repeat...each dollar we earn and dime we spend...each word we utter and thought we justify...each cold we catch and form of travel we take...each sport or hobby we embark on...each class we take or creative endeavor we create...each job we undertake...each argument we make...each relationship we work through...each chapter of our lives we begin and end...everything....has and is...a process.

The trick to learning really getting "it" to figure out it's process. So there is no amount of money you can not business you can't amount of love you can not amount of pleasure you can't amount of satisfaction you can not path to enlightenment you can not take...if you are willing to put in the learning the process.

Do you want something in your life? Is there something missing for you? Is there a part of you that has a wish that needs to be fulfilled? Is there a wish that you do not have but think you should have? Hope you can find? Something you want to learn? Something you want to earn?

Whatever it is for you....there is a process...a way of discovering it if you do not know....and....attaining it if you do. All you need to answer one simple question...(OK OK it isn't THAT simple a question LOL).......that question Once you have something in mind...there is a process to figuring out a way to make it happen...and you can make it happen. First have to know...what you want.

There is even a process to figuring out a process. Whenever I teach anything...the very first thing I like to start quite simply...a definition. So first....define what it is you want to learn...or are going to study. Once you know and can spell out exactly what it is that you are going after...define what that thing means to you....and the rest is just fleshing out the details.

There are many ways to flesh out details and figure out a process...Internet searching, libraries, book stores, gurus, mentors, volunteering, information interviews, pleasant conversations with others who already know about what you want to know, therapy, counseling, support groups, community programs, classes, getting certificates and degrees, instructional tapes/CD's/DVD's, experimentation, risk taking, and many many other ways to try to get information and direction towards anything and everything you want to accomplish.

The key to success and living your dreams....whatever they may in the is the journey...not the is the process....that will teach you...inspire you...lead you...and help you to overcome. Find the process...and you can fulfill your hopes...your desires....your dreams....whatever they may be. Find the process....find YOUR process....


The Sarah Bear said...

OK, so then what happens? Cause I can have a million wants... but seem to fulfill very little (none) of them! What happens?! I want to become a photographer - that makes money, so I can fix my bathroom. GOT IT! Then I learn the process - CHECK! What happens?! I then fall short?! I get "stuck", "scared", no time, money.... how you explain that?!

Joanie's Happenings said...

I believe it is true! I need to take time to research the process. I know what I want. Good information.

Doc said...

What happens? The real work begins. As I said if one wants to achieve or learn something it will take work...and with out the work it simply won't happen. If you get stuck...there is a process to get unstuck. Everything is a process.

Even the finding the time and money...because if it is something like becoming a photographer...or anything else that means creating a business around has to make it happen somehow...and to each and every step there is a process involved. I'm not saying pursuing a dream or goal is easy...far from it...I am just saying that if it seems insurmountable...overwhelming...the way to take those baby steps is to figure out the process.

Even with the fear...because that is the biggest obstacle that all of us face. But there is a process to facing fear as well. The key is to not give up and remember that each step forward means one is closer to one's goal. But it is still all done through a process...and in a process.

Falling a fear...not a fact...and the way to prevent it is to learn your process completely so that you know your stuff. If you do will not fall short...your knowledge will be intact. You will have something to follow as a will have forward motion that will help to keep you feeling good about yourself as you figure the rest of it out. One step at a time.